Death Penalty:Texas Goes “Rogue” and Kills an Intellectually Disabled Man

Today is another sad day for justice in Texas. Texas’ justice system has once again blood on its hands. On Tuesday August 17, the State of Texas has killed again. This time it is Marvin Wilson, a 54-year-old man. Wilson had an I.Q of 61 which made him intellectually disabled. The State of Texas recognized […]
Olympics: From Celebration of the Human Spirit to Circus of Consumerism

At their inception in ancient Greece, the Olympic games principal meaning was- even more than a celebration of the human body and spirit- a sacred time of peace. The Olympics were a truce honored by every city in Greece. The frequent warfare between towns such as Athens and Sparta would come to a halt. Meanwhile, […]
Wired But Disconnected

Think about how one connects with others through all the wires that fill our lives. This is not about why people connect, whether they should connect, or that connecting is good or bad for society. I am not against wiring. Wiring is necessary to a life well lived, especially in the digital age. For some, […]
America: Oscillating from Comfortably Numb to Psychosis with Guns

The latest episode of this schizophrenic sociological roller-coaster ride which has become the “bread and butter” of our daily life in contemporary America took place ,of course, in Aurora, Colorado. The delusional young man, obviously in the middle of a psychotic episode, probably thought of himself as a “Dark Knight” on a mission to “save” his […]