Data Mining: The Price to Pay for Our “Free Parking” in Cyberspace

I can hear him now: “Come one, come all. Enter my parking lot and spend as much time as you want and it is free.” So says the P.T. Barnum of cyberspace. Welcome to the biggest parking lot in the world. At one time that parking lot grew so big it threatened to eat itself. […]
US Election: Same Circus Different Clowns

The Republican National Convention and the Democrat National Convention are the political equivalent of “America’s Got Talent”. The two conventions should be about serious discussions concerning issues and policies amongst the rank and file of both parties. They are not supposed to be about showmanship and performances, but in a country where politics have become […]
Global War Economy: The Empire of the US Military Industrial Complex

Arguably, since entering World War II, the United States of America’s economy has been a war economy. Starting or fostering wars became essentially, independently of geopolitical reasons, a “good” business proposition. The early 1940s marked the start of the era of systematic wars for profit: war defined as the ultimate capitalist enterprise. The extraordinary war […]
The War in Afghanistan: A Monumental Waste

We have all seen the latest headlines about the war in Afghanistan. As of now more than two thousand American troops are dead. Innumerable others suffered wounds. More deaths and injuries will occur over the next weeks and months as America and the NATO forces wind down and mostly get out of the country by […]
Isaac, Gener and Katrina: Climate Change in Action

Like a hulking giant, Isaac has stomped across the Caribbean at practically human speed, for days. Ten miles per hour, 14 mph, and Isaac continues its march northwest and west-northwest, for nearly one week, as if for a rendez-vous. With whom? Haiti could not have been tapped more gently, although at least 24 people have […]