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Creeping Fascism Under a Fog of Morality

Creeping Fascism Under a Fog of Morality

United States President Barack Obama is a notable exception in human history and memory for taking a Nobel Peace Prize so that he could then wage wars. One remembers the euphoria that his victory generated; his election was celebrated as a triumph of liberal democracy and capitalism. Beyond rhetorical speeches, however, Mr. Obama was incapable […]


Strategy for World Revolution: A Discussion Between Rick Staggenborg and Gilbert Mercier

Strategy for World Revolution: A Discussion Between Rick Staggenborg and Gilbert Mercier

News Junkie Post Editor in Chief Gilbert Mercier recently noted that the gains of 250 years are being pushed back as the world is forced by a group of influential men into a new dark age of feudalism. In Egypt, Brazil, Turkey, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, and many other countries, protests have erupted against the onslaught […]


Capitalism: Back to the Dark Ages of Feudalism

Capitalism: Back to the Dark Ages of Feudalism

History never repeats itself, but from time to time, consciously or not, some influential men attempt to force us into the monstrosity of their imaginary time machines to try to reverse decades, and in the case of feudalism, almost a millenium of social progress. The mid-20th century brought the years of collective psychosis of Adolf […]


Iraq War Lies and Dr David Kelly’s Mysterious Death

Iraq War Lies and Dr David Kelly’s Mysterious Death

When a corpse is found, and the death appears to be from unnatural causes, it is common practice, and ought to be common practice, that a coroner’s inquest is held into the cause of death. To my knowledge, the only case where this has not occurred in England was in the death of Dr David […]


The United States of Extra-Judicial Murder and Imprisonment

The United States of Extra-Judicial Murder and Imprisonment

Not since Nazi Germany marched its jackboots into the Sudetanland has there been such an abject disregard for the rule of international and national law. The Nazi’s advance resulted in the illegal imprisonment and mass murder of, firstly, many political dissidents, the mentally ill, homosexuals, and later and on a much larger scale, Jews and […]
