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Anonymous ‘OperationLeakS’ Exposes Bank of America Fraud Emails

At 12:00 midnight, Eastern Standard Time, the dawn of ‘Black Monday’ broke on America.  Anonymous leaked the first in a series of email files aimed at proving Bank of America’s involvement in serious fraud.  The access to the actual site where the following information was first posted by @OperationLeaKs, and where the larger size of […]


King’s Crusade: The Police State Gears Up Against Muslim Americans

Photo by RIDZDESIGN Statesmen and politicians have repeatedly, throughout history, relied on a bogey-man de jour to validate increased state repression and otherwise unacceptable legislation to restrict the rights of citizens. In this case, Rep. Peter King’s own misguided bias, and lack of political wisdom and savvy, may backfire when dealing with the ‘radicalization’ he […]


America’s Working Class: Can Labor’s Last Stand Turn Into a Global Triumph?

As politicians work diligently to foster as much animus as possible amongst the working class, the opportunity for the American labor movement to turn decades of losses into global triumph is a very real possibility.  Corporations have, for decades, expanded internationally.  Their multinational structure has allowed them to operate without consideration of borders while workers […]


2011: Labor’s Last Stand Against Corporate Control of America

Barack Obama, the candidate, may have promised “fundamental change” for America, but President Obama has worked very hard to protect and promote business as usual.  Every small incremental ‘victory’ since the beginning of the Obama presidency has been granted only with huge concessions to corporations and the wealthiest percent or two of Americans. Obama’s capitulation […]


Patriot Act: Protecting You From Freedom And Democracy

Patriot Act: Protecting You From Freedom And Democracy

On Tuesday, Congress is voting on the renewal of three key provisions of the Patriot Act. There is nothing patriotic about the Patriot Act, unless you define patriotism as the passivity of citizens  giving  up their own civil liberties for the illusion of “security” under the constant  intrusive eyes of an Orwellian Big Brother government. […]
