US Census Report: In 2009, 43.6 Million People Lived In Poverty

Today, the US Census Bureau released its 2009 report on income, poverty and health insurance coverage in the United States. The data compiled for the report were collected by the Census Bureau in 2010, and the findings reflect the full negative social impact of the recession on the poor and the middle-class. The 88 pages […]
Gas Pipe Killer Inferno: A Symbol Of Our Crumbling Infrastructure
Last Thursday, in San Bruno California, at about 6:15 PM a 30-inch high pressure natural gas pipeline, belonging to the private utility company Pacific Gas & Electric Co., ruptured. The pipe rupture created a firestorm that killed at least four people, left scored injured, completely destroyed 37 homes and badly damaged 8 others. This tragedy […]
Photographs: Remembering 9/11 In Malibu California

Pepperdine University’s sign above says: “Welcome Visitors, Pepperdine University is proud to honor the memory of the innocent men and women who lost their lives in the tragic attacks on the United States on 9/11/2001 in New-York, Pennsylvania and at the Pentagon. This exhibit displays one flag for each victim of the attacks, including the […]
Burning Korans and Building Mosques: America’s Blasphemy Laws
Blasphemy laws are instituted when members of a religious group decide that their belief system should be unassailable, immune from any real or perceived criticism, and protected from any disrespect or display of dissent, and are enforced through thethreat of punishment or dire consequences. America’s freedoms are being threatened by both internal and external forces exploiting the unwarranted legitimacy they receive through religious profession. If any one is going to secure their rights as an American citizen, we must all stand firmly for the rights of all American citizens.
Did 9/11/2001 Mark the Beginning of the End of the Empire?

In a strange coincidence of calendar, today is the end of the holy month of Ramadan. It is a time for Muslims to celebrate after a month of fast. For Americans, tomorrow will be a time a grief and remembrance about a turning point in our global history that is still an open wound in […]