Haiti’s Depopulation: A Globalist Project

A full two-thirds of the earthquake casualties in Haiti on January 12, 2010 were directly due to policies that the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), World Bank, and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) put in place to create surplus labor for the country’s sweatshops. The now well-known reductions in the tariffs on agricultural products, […]
Where is the Digital Watergate Anti-Trump Propaganda Campaign Going?

By Daniel Espinosa Winder The Russians are coming! Once again, the structural bias of the American news media in favor of the ‘official version’ turns them into a propaganda tool. Intelligence sources point out Russian interference in recent elections. However, WikiLeaks-related sources say the Democratic Party’s mail leak was the working of a whistle-blower within […]
Trump’s Junta: Zionist Banksters, Big Oil and the Military-Industrial Complex

In Orwellian times deception is loyalty The faint remaining hope that a Trump administration could be the beginning of a much needed reflection on decades-old failed United States policies was scattered to the winds on December 9, 2016. It is turning out, that not only emperor-elect Trump will miss a honeymoon with the people of […]