Trump Win: Paradigm Shift or Status Quo?

By Gilbert Mercier NEWS JUNKIE POST
Nov 22, 2016 at 4:47 pmThe accidental president
Trump was not supposed to win, it is an anomaly which defied the concerted rigging of the political class at large, Wall Street and the mainstream media sycophants faux journalists of all stripes. As Dady Chery and I wrote back in March 2016 in our laconic essay “Imperial Elections,“ it was her turn. One was surely expecting sensational headlines such as: “First Woman Elected President of the United States!” One can imagine the fanfare, ticker tape parade and staged popular explosion of joy. “I Am With Her!” was supposed to do the political marketing trick. It failed. The popular enthusiasm was never there to start with, it was made up by a campaign and media apparatus that kept echoing and amplifying its own lies.
On November 8, 2016, US political consumers spoke, and declared the Clinton brand compromised, tainted by too many recalls and initial manufacturing defects. Just like the Bush brand during the Republican primary, the Clinton brand had been recalled to possibly become the Yugo of the politician manufacturing industry, a sour lemon with no more juice. As I rightly pointed out at a very early stage of the electoral charade, reality show and beauty pageant master of ceremony extraordinaire Donald Trump was cast, very likely with the input of our usual suspect, George Soros, for two reasons: firstly, to sell the American people on the notion that the TV reality show Election 2016 was real and not scripted, and secondly, in scripted scenario, that he would beat the Republican opposition and provide a perfect vote repellent designed to benefit the empress to be.
George Soros was the executive producer of the TV reality show, Election 2016: first woman POTUS, and to prove it, only one piece of evidence is enough: the man hired to be Trump’s initial campaign manager was none other than Tony Podesta, partner in political intrigues of his brother, John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign manager and her lead handler on behalf of George Soros. But then something happened, the scripted reality show became, against the will of all key players, a documentary. Fiction became reality as the circus act became wild. Trump became, against all odds, and perhaps initially not willingly, the catalyst of a historical paradigm shift, a quantum leap where fictional characters became real.
The hypothesis of historical paradigm shifts
While paradigm shifts are widely recognized in science, the prime example is of course Albert Einstein’s relativity assumption E=mc2, they are quite controversial in the field of sociology, and even more in history. When I brought up the hypothesis that paradigm shifts also applied to human sciences back in 2011, some thinkers were a bit puzzled and not convinced. However, the recent election of Donald Trump might illustrate the validity of my assumption. Paradigm shifts have to be understood as keys that can mysteriously unlock what is called paradigm paralysis. The notion of status quo is a more common way to define paradigm paralysis. In the case of US politics, it is unquestionable that since the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, the country entered a period of paradigm paralysis with two political clans locked in power. It is of course the Bush and Clinton dynasties with occasional figureheads such as Reagan and Obama. The election of Trump broke this 36-year status quo, and therefore constitutes a major historical paradigm shift.
But paradigm shifts in history have proven to be sometimes positive, other times negative and often catastrophic. Major historical figures, the ones that have moved the dial of our history are not providential, they are instead always catalysts of highly improbable chain reactions who became parameters in equations which they did not understand. Bonaparte, the sword of the French revolution was such a catalyst, and he was a positive one until megalomania made him want to rule the world as its emperor. On the other hand, paradigm shifts catalysts such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot in Cambodia brought their own country into their own psychosis which resulted in massive murderous mayhem.
Historical catalysts such as Toussaint l’Ouverture, Charles de Gaulle, Fidel Castro and Ho Chi Minh stayed sane, fairly moral and had a critical impact on world history. This is a very exclusive club, and like it or not President-elect Trump has the opportunity to seize the moment, rise to the occasion and metamorphose himself from a useful clown to a leader. This opportunity will have a very limited life span. Will he stay a pawn, like his predecessor, for the geriatric masters of the universe to play with or will he become a leader? What he will do at this crossroad could influence positively the fate of billions or instead signify that Trump does not have the nerve to challenge the status quo he was elected to alter. The early signs are concerning, to say the least: actually they are pointing into the paradigm paralysis of the Orwellian construct where documented lies, crimes and deception will not be rightly challenged by truth and justice. The fact that dubious characters such as Bush neocon John Bolton, and a Morgan Stanley bankster are considered for the cabinet is an extremely bad sign. Perhaps the worst sign of all was the red carpet treatment given to consigliere extraordinaire Henry Kissinger.
Was Kissinger advising Trump with his great wisdom on geopolitics, which has consistently being at best dead wrong and at worst murderous like his CIA coup in Chile to get rid of Allende and install dictator Pinochet; or some interesting tip on Syria duplicating Kissinger’s idea of the massive bombing of the Ho Chi Minh trail in Cambodia and Laos during the Vietnam war? But perhaps Kissinger was not chatting with Trump about his old domino effects theory in regard to the threat of communism, but instead acting as the messenger of his good friend, George Soros, to convey to President-Elect Trump certain threats if he would challenge the status quo and deliver on his promise to drain the swamp. But how can you drain the swamp unless you first get rid of the old crocodiles? Soros has stepped aside as executive producer of the show Election 2016, but it seems that he is still writing part of the script using street protests and the stock market as key storytelling device. We will know soon if Henry K. came to Trump on behalf of the syndicate to make him a mafia style offer he could not refuse.
Trump’s dilemma: living in his towers or tearing down the global plantation?
Trump is a wealthy man, and as such he fully belongs to the global financial elite. But at different times in history, vectors of changes or even revolution came from the privileged class. For instance, most leaders of the French revolution were as matter of fact aristocrats. Trump claimed that he started a movement, but it is hardly the type of movement challenging the current social order. How can you Make America Great Again if you don’t define firstly greatness and secondly a time frame. Was America great, pure and innocent shortly after European settlers came ashore? Hardly, if you keep in mind that Native Americans view Thanksgiving as a celebration of their genocide.
The truth is: America was never great, at least not for its native population, former slave population, and its poor. It is currently not economically great either unless you are employed by the merchants of death. Trump could try to derail the military-industrial complex war machine, but this could be hazardous to his health as well as his family’s. Early indications show signs that Trump is likely to use his many towers as modern day temporary castles. But will he behave with the arrogance of a feudal master, or will he make an attempt to understand the struggles of us common men. And while at the White House, will he behave like a plantation owner of the old south or the top public servant gracious not to have to pay rent? So far there is no indication that Trump even wants to make an attempt at draining Washington DC swamps and even to tear down the global plantation that symbolizes the ultimate objective of globalists such as Kissinger and Soros. If the swamp remains putrid, President-Elect Trump will pay the consequences in due time.
It could turn out that old crocodile Mr. K still has some teeth, and perhaps he told President-Elect Trump quietly and with his habitual creepy little smile: “See Donald, we advise you to get Hillary off the hook. Don’t you think that it would be better than to have riots in our streets and perhaps a panicky financial market?” Let’s hope that it was not the case, otherwise the deplorables who put Donald Trump in office for the specific job of bringing some morality back into our society, and especially within the corrupt pay-to-play political class, will be outraged. President-elect Trump must understand the forces of this paradigm shift. They are bigger than him. For decades, too many lies were told, too many crimes were committed, therefore truth must shine its bright light, and justice must be served.
Editor’s Notes: Gilbert Mercier is the author of “The Orwellian Empire.” Caricature one by Donkey Hotey; photograph three from the archive of Asia Society; photograph four from the archive of Marcelo Montecino; photograph six from the archive of Photolibrarian; photograph seven from the archive of Atlantic Council; and photograph ten from the archive of ILO in Asia and the Pacific.
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