CIA Withholds Key Torture Documents From ACLU

Judge Hellerstein had ordered the government to turn over the documents by August 31, following an ACLU lawsuit, or else to provide justification for continuing to withhold them. However, in a court filing late Monday, the CIA said if will not release the documents, claiming that disclosing details about the enhanced interrogation program would harm […]
Smoke From Los Angeles Fires Reaching Las Vegas
The thick smoke from the wild fires in Los Angeles and from the other fires across California is now reaching as far as Las Vegas, Nevada and even Denver, Colorado — that’s a distance of over 1,000 miles. NASA has also sent in photos of the smoke, which is quite visible from space.
Ex-Countrywide Execs’ Firm Modifies Bad Loans for Taxpayer Cash
Among the servicers participating in the government’s mortgage modification program is a new recruit that’s not like the others. PennyMac, a firm founded by the former president and chief operating officer of Countrywide, buys distressed home loans on the cheap with the goal of modifying them and later selling them for a profit.
CIA Torture: AG Holder Nominates John Durham As Prosecutor

After the release of a CIA torture report today, AG Holder made the announcement that the DOJ will appoint a special prosecutor to investigate if federal laws were violated in connection of detainees in US custody overseas under the Bush administration.
Human Organ Trafficker Did Business For Way Too Long
The arrest of Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, the Brooklyn resident charged last month with acting as a “matchmaker” for buyers and sellers of human organs, spotlights the issue of live donor organ trafficking in the United States.