Benghazi: The Insecure Crossroad of Oil, Mercenaries and Jihadists

There are events going on in Africa that are quite devastating for people living there, although the world is currently focused on Ukraine and another attempt to create a failed state. For example, on the last day of April 2014, 34 percent of the shares in Heritage Oil were sold to Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim […]
Sins of Omission: What the Mainstream Media Withholds About Ukraine

A European Union that includes Ukraine would ultimately be a favorable state of affairs, and few would contest this. A European Union that includes Russia would be even more advantageous as a check against United States imperialism. Unfortunately, and due to western actions, particularly those of the US, which ought to have no say whatsoever […]
Empires Come and Go: The UK’s Decline to a US Colony

The United Kingdom remained an imperialist power only as long as it could maintain control of its colonies. With an economy devastated by World War I and World War II, the British Empire began to disintegrate. After losing India in 1948, a pivotal point in the history of the British Empire was the 1956 Suez […]
Will Sweden Drop the Case Against Assange?

Most well-informed people know that Julian Assange never had a case to answer in Sweden. In fact he has already cooperated fully with Swedish authorities and been released with no action against him. It was only when Claes Borgström, a politician and lawyer with close ties to the United States, set about getting the case […]