Home » Entries posted by Mike Kaulbars

As long as we’re on the topic (for the last time, at least for a good long while) I decided to move this post up (and several others still to appear). The context is this video by Katie Goodman of Broad Comedy. It’s a little ditty that uses “f**ked” as a hook and to entertain, […]
May 9, 2011Read More

The recent tornadoes in the United States have lead to a resurgence of articles talking about the link between extreme weather, natural disasters and climate change. If you are an interested member of the general public you are undoubtedly confused as the two sides of the debate seem to be making opposing claims, and both […]
May 2, 2011Read More

(hat tip to Quark Soup and Climate Progress) Maybe you celebrated Earth Day, maybe you ignored it. Maybe you share the cynicism that has been becoming overt on more than a few environmental sites, or at least noticed it. For the international celebration of a cause that we are working for, articles like (just a […]
April 25, 2011Read More

In the dim mists of time hundreds of us were gathered by a foundation to discuss how we were going to move from our then state of impending environmental crisis to a sustainable society. Demographically we were a sampling of politicians, bureaucrats, scientists, business people, NGO staffers, and community organizers. We talked and worked over […]
April 18, 2011Read More

Simple people,people who don’t exist,prefer things which don’t exist,simple things. e.e. cummings; six nonlectures Al Gore had a few minor errors of no particular consequence in his movie “An Inconvenient Truth“, but his book “The Assault on Reason” was wildly wrong in at least two important respects: i) The internet has proven to be a […]
April 11, 2011Read More