Medical Marijuana Patients Suffering Police Harassment
According to a recent Washington Supreme Court decision, police can get a search warrant, enter and search your home, arrest you, handcuff you and take you to jail, every time they smell pot – even if you are a legal patient carefully abiding by the rules put forth by the state.
Europeans Want Out Of Afghanistan

This Saturday, the Dutch government of Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende collapsed over The Netherlands involvement with NATO operations in Afghanistan. NATO head Anders Rasmussen had asked The Netherlands earlier this month to extend Dutch’s Afghan military mission until August 2011, which is a year later than the originally planned pull out of the Dutch […]
At Conservative Political Action Conference: Torture In, Palin Out
Thursday began day one of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, CPAC. For more than 3 decades, it has been the premier gathering of conservatives. At a fancy Marriot in northwest Washington, this year’s conference is the largest ever. Ten thousand activists are registered to attend. Although many of the participants are in college, the […]
Dubai Police Chief: “99 Percent Sure Mossad Behind Killing”

Israel is coming under increasing pressure over the assassination of an Senior Hamas leader in Dubai on January 20. The pressure is coming from Europe, from the Gulf state, and also from within Israel. Some Israelis have even called for Meir Dagan, the head of Mossad, and a close ally to Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu […]
Haiti: Sarkozy To Scrap Debt And Announce Aid Package

French President Sarkozy will visit Haiti on Wednesday. He will be the first French President to visit the Island since Haiti, a former French slave colony, became the first Black Republic in 1804. Haiti has the unique historical background to be the only slave revolt leading to the creation of an independent state. Before the […]