Tribute to Aaron Swartz: Information Guerrilla Warrior

The internet lost a major figure in the person of Aaron Swartz on Friday January 11, 2013. Swartz, who was facing a possible 50 years in prison and $4 million fine for downloading the contents of JSTOR from an MIT computer, hanged himself in his Brooklyn apartment. He was 26 years old. Swartz is credited […]
Fiscal Cliff: Middle Class Free Fall, Corporations’ Golden Parachute

It seems like everyone who is paying attention to the fiscal cliff debate has an opinion one way or another about the benefits and disadvantages of the Tuesday night passage of the Senate Bill. The compromise that was agreed upon can be described as a barrel filled with pork for both Democrats and Republicans and […]
Hypocrisy of Gun Control in a Land Where War and Violence Are Alluring

By Dady Chery and Gilbert Mercier Solving problems with violence is as American as apple pie The National Rifle Association (NRA) has become public enemy number one amongst left-leaning Americans since the most recent incident of random shooting. Is blaming the NRA a convenient way for Americans to avoid some necessary soul searching: a refusal […]
NATO Is Winning in Afghanistan Like the United States Was in Vietnam

The Pentagon released a sobering report on December 10, 2012 on the war in Afghanistan. The report was ready before the United States presidential election in early November but not made available to “respect” the election cycle. The delay from the Pentagon can only be viewed as an attempt by the Obama administration to keep […]