Direct Action in the UK to Support Palestine

Direct action against the wanton killing of civilians in Gaza and other parts of Palestine is bringing the accomplices to these abominable war crimes into the public eye, and awareness is starting to grow all over the world. Take the case of the “Elbit 9” protestors from the London Palestine Action Group, who staged a […]
Ukraine and Crimea’s Vanishing Gold

Since a United States-sponsored coup d’état removed Ukraine’s legitimately elected government and installed an ultra right-wing regime with Arseniy Yatsenyuk as the Prime Minister, Ukraine has been brought to its knees by a needless civil war and faith in the myth that ownership of dollars will make it a rich western country. Mr. Yatsenyuk and […]
Birmingham Citizens Fight Islamophobia: Hatred Is Not a ‘Core British Value’

Birmingham, a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic city of about one million in the United Kingdom, is reeling from the so-called Trojan Horse affair: a supposed clandestine agenda to radicalize schools that is described in an anonymous letter widely held to be a hoax. In an overwhelming show of opposition to government-driven Islamophobia, people from all backgrounds, […]
Sweden’s Politically Motivated Persecution of Wikileaks’ Assange

For more than two years, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been a de facto political prisoner, confined to the grounds of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Back in August 2010, a Swedish press exclusive with the emotionally charged word “rape,” in connection with Julian Assange’s name, spread rapidly across the world like a viral infection. […]
Gitmo Survivor Moazzam Begg: The Man Who Knows Too Much

Nine years after being freed from Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp, Moazzam Begg was arrested once again and charged with “providing terrorist training and funding terrorism overseas.” This latest arrest, on February 25, 2014, is the third time this century that Begg has been arrested in the United Kingdom and his computers or storage systems removed. […]